The Shettles method is well-known for having a baby with the expected gender. However, many ask, “does Shettles method work?”. Here are some of the Shettles method success stories found worldwide in my follow-up patients. Although these are few, there are number of fertile and infertile couples in my list of Shettles method success stories.
1. A UK couple got a baby boy after two babies.
I met one couple for online counselling through Online Pregnancy Care a few years back. They had two daughters who were six years and 2years. However, they wanted to have another baby of the male gender. So they contacted me to know if there was any method to have a baby boy. I explained about the high chance of getting a male baby by following the Shettles method.
After going through the Shettles method success stories and reviews found all around the internet, they agree to follow the method.
Then I could track the ovulation dates by following her menstrual cycles for a few months and plan dates for their intercourse for the next few months. They were advised on possible risk of unsuccess of the method and other failures.
They could achieve a pregnancy after three months of consecutive tries.
I and the couple were so happy to see the gender scan report of the baby after a few months. It was a baby.
2. A US couple got a baby girl following the shettles method for 1year
The second on of the Shettles method success stories is from the United States. I met this couple also through an online counseling session. They were a newly married couple at the age of 32 and 36 years to wife and husband respectively.
Although they had a chance to have two babies, they wanted only one when considering the maternal age. So consulted me for some advice on getting a baby soon. Additionally, they were interested in having a baby girl instead of a baby boy.
Considering their age, advising them to get pregnant fast was a big task for me with their additional request. Because when you specially request a baby girl, you must avoid intercourse on most fertile days. But still have to practice intercourse during the fertility window.
So I gave them a sex calendar for six months while advising them to have pre-conceptional folic acid and some other multivitamins. They failed to have an after six months. Then they were a bit nervous about the failure to get conceive. However, again I could motivate them to try for another six months.
During the second six months, I had to keep motivating them to avoid any emotional and psychological stress to infertility.
However, at the end of 1 year, they could conceive. Luckily it was a baby girl.
They said me “Wow Shettles method successfully worked for us, You can add us to your Shettles method success stories too”.
3. Indian couple got baby boy: another one from shettles method success stories.
Indian couple with four baby girls needed to have at least one boy for them. They contacted me for advice two years back. They already had followed different techniques to get a boy. Those included some religious works too.

They could have a baby boy in 9 months by following of Shettles method properly.
4. A Bangladesh couple got a baby after years of infertility.
I incidentally found a couple with infertility through Online pregnancy care – Facebook page. After going through the investigations and treatments done for the last few years, I could identify that smoking might be the causative factor for the issue. They have not given much attention to terminating smoking to have a baby.
After a lengthy discussion, we could agree to terminate the smoking before further treatments.
They asked to support having a baby boy as their 1st baby if possible. As the couple was very young, I still had a much time to make them pregnant. So I agree with that and have given a plan for them. They took around one year to get pregnant. It was a boy, as they expected.
So the couple was immensely thankful to me. This was one of the unforgettable Shettles method success stories for me.
5. A husband with erectile dysfunction could make his wife pregnant and give a baby girl.
I found this lovely couple a few years back. They were so disappointed about their family life—also the infertility issue.
They were practicing a method called home insemination when I met them. I had to go through every investigation to ensure that husband and wife were fertile enough.
Luckily there was no issue with the husband or wife except for this erectile dysfunction.
They got pregnant only within three months of the time of following the Shettles method. It was a baby girl, as they expected too. This was another one of the best issues I could settle with the Shettles method.
How to conceive when the husband has erectile dysfunction? – 6 stepped successful guide
6. A couple got a baby girl after 3 years : One of the unforgettable Shettles method success stories
You obviously try for years to get a baby when you are infertile. But how many of you have attempted the shettles method for years. Surely not much. Because if you follow it correctly for a year, most of you will get pregnant.
However, I have a story of a couple who followed the shettles method for years. They were the couple who stressed me a lot during the workout. Because they kept trying the Shettles method for years and failed to conceive.
However, after 3 years of workouts, they were a success and had the same gender they expected to have. That was the longest of the Shettles method success stories for me.

7. Shettles method success story of 2 doctors
This is a story of 2 friends of mine. The couple is doctors by profession. Once we are having some discussion on babies, we had a discussion on “Is it possible to have a baby boy or girl as we expected”.
As he did not have much idea on Shettles methods, I asked him to try this method and tell me the results. Also I show some shettles method success stories of set of my patients. Also I asked him to have a look on internet and check.
After reading some of the Shettles method reviews, he was so happy and agree to try the shettles method. He was so impressed on some of the Shettles method success stories of my couples. Also he was impressed on some of the reviews given by the people on positive results of shettles method.
After few months his wife got conceived. Both of us waiting to see the results. Excitingly it was a baby girl as they expected by their gender scanning.
8. Another Asian couple got male baby
Whenever I meet a couple from Asian continent, they are always asking a baby boy instead of a girl. Most often it is due to the religious factors. Also the cultural issues. Also there are some economic issues like dowry. Whatever the background they often ask for baby boy.
Shuttles method unsuccessful stories
Although I have not mentioned one by one, there are a lot of shuttles method success stories in my patients. Even though I got large number of Shettles method success stories, there are rare instances of getting unsuccessful shettles method stories. Usually it is 1/10 in my patients.

However when I go through them, there are set of issues that might cause the failure of shettles method. The commonest cause for the failure is the timing of the sexual intercourse. In addition you might find lot of other reasons for failure of the method like positioning, duration of intercourse and etc. If you need to know how to get exactly a baby boy or girl you need to read the article on Shettle method
Shettles Method to have a baby boy or baby girl
Risk of following the Shettles method
It’s lucky, if you success in getting pregnant with the exact gender for your baby with Shetles method. I wish all you should get success in your expectation. There are adequate number of couples who followed and ended up in shettles method success stories.
But suppose you get failed in getting pregnant with your expected sex. So do you continue your pregnancy with disappointment or terminate the pregnancy?
As a fertility consultant I do not advice any abortions unless its confirmed case of congenital abnormalities.
Therefore do not try shettles method, if you are not happy to have baby from other sex.