While some couples try to conceive soon, others try to have a baby with the preferred gender. This may be having a baby boy or having a baby girl. Shettles Method is one of the main ways they are trying to use to get pregnant.
You are already aware of Shettles Method from the internet while trying to find ways to get a baby boy or girl.
Although Shettles Method works in 60 -70% of couples, you need to have some luck to get a baby with your preferred sex.
History of Shettles Method
Although Shettles Method has been successfully used, it is an old method used since 1960. It was built after a series of pregnancy attempts.
“How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby: A Complete Update on the Method Best Supported by the Scientific Evidence” is a book by the Shettles. It was last updated in 2006.
This book of Shettles includes a series of success stories of couples who conceived a baby with prepared sex.
How does Shettles Method work?
As Shettles believes, the gender of the baby is determined by a few factors of the father and mother. The main factor for deciding whether a girl or a boy is the timing of sexual intercourse. In addition, a few other factors are causing the sex of the baby.

Characters of the Sperm cause the Gender of the Baby.
The gender of your future baby is getting from the genes of your partner and you. The genes affecting the gender of the baby are located in chromosome pair 23.
There are two types of Chromosomes in the sex chromosomes (23rd pair of the chromosome). One is called X-chromosome. The other one is Y-chromosomes.
A baby with a female gender has a chromosome pair of XX. A baby with a male gender has a chromosome pair of XY. This one X chromosome is always coming from the mother. But only the father can give Y Chromosome to his son.
Theoretically, all males should have X and Y chromosomes in their sperm, in a ratio of 50:50. However, some men might have a higher rate of either X or Y sperm.
According to scientific findings, these two chromosomes have different external appearances.
Features of sperm contain an X chromosome
- Large in size
- Move slowly
- Have longer lifespan
- Stable in an acidic environment
Features of sperm contain a Y chromosome
- Small in size
- Moves faster
- Have short lifespan
- Stable in an alkaline environment
How to get a baby boy according to Shettles method.
As discussed, you need to ensure a higher chance of penetration of Y chromosomes to the egg to get a baby boy. Even if it sounds odd, you must follow the Shettles rule to get a boy.
Have sexual intercourse after the date of ovulation
Suppose you have sexual intercourse a few days before or soon after ovulation. In that case, your Y chromosomes may already have gone before the egg is available to penetrate. Therefore, you must wait until the egg has come to the fallopian tube. This takes at least 12hours. It is better to have sexual activity 1 day or 2days after ovulation.
If you need to find out how to know your ovulation date, you can try our “Ovulation Calculator.”
Have the sex more deep penetrating method
Even though Y sperms are more active, they are short lasting. Prolong travelling throughout the female vagina may reduce the availability of Y chromosomes for conception.
So you must select a deep penetrating method for sexual intercourse with a baby boy.
Make sure you have prolonged intercourse before the release of sperm
Females release a lot of chemicals during intercourse. Specially secretions after the orgasm will have more alkaline PH. This alkaline PH is perfect for the more prolonged survival of the Y sperms.
How to get a baby girl according to Shettles method.
As you try to have a baby boy, you can try a baby girl according to the Shettles rule. You must try the opposite methods you tried to conceive a baby boy.
Try to have intercourse before ovulation.
As mentioned, sperm with the female gender last longer. So if you have sexual intercourse after ovulation, you will have a higher chance of getting a baby boy. This is because of the high mortality of male-type sperm. Therefore you will plan your intercourse 2-3 days before the ovulation.
Have a shallow penetrating method to have intercourse
When you have a deep penetrating sexual position, you deposit your sperm close to your cervix. This will lead to more male-type (Y) sperm reaching the egg.
Therefore, make sure you use a shallow penetrating position to avoid male-type sperms reaching the ovum.
Have the ejaculation before the female orgasm
As mentioned, you must maintain an acidic PH to have a long survival of female-type sperm. The orgasms will make the vaginal tract more alkaline. So it’s better to have a male orgasm before the female orgasm to have a baby girl.
Why do couples try the Shettles method?
Having a baby is a dream for all couples. Some infertile couples are trying various methods like Clomid Ovulation Induction to have a baby, while others are trying to have a baby with a specific gender. That is a baby boy or a baby girl. However, it depends on various factors. Mostly the individual preference.
In addition, some couples already have a baby in one gender and waiting to have a baby in another gender to complete the family.
Also, some cultural and religious beliefs matter in some countries when they try to conceive a baby of a specific gender.
Does Shettles Method always work?
Although many couples have success with the Shettles method, the possibility of you having an expected gender for your child is 60 – 70%. There is a part of your luck too.
You can follow pubmed article on this method.
Also, it has been shown that around 75% of couples with more than 2 babies of the same gender will have the same gender for their subsequent pregnancy. For example, if you have 2 baby boys, you will probably have a boy as your next child too.
8 shettles method success stories: 90% of couples got success with there prefered gender
Possible disadvantages of following the Shettles method
1. Lack of fertility
One of the main steps of getting pregnant is frequent sexual intercourse, especially during and close to the fertile period. However, we advise limiting the intercourse to specific days to have a baby. So the chance of getting pregnant is very low.
2. Prolong the time to get results
As you have less intercourse, your chance of getting pregnant decreases. Therefore you may not conceive for a few months or upto even a year. However, you have to be patient enough to get a baby with preferred gender.
3. Possibility of disappointment
I mentioned earlier that if you have 2 or more same-sex babies, you will have a higher chance of having a same-sex baby. So it is some specific features related to sperm or the vaginal tract.
I have a few experiences with couples with 4-5 babies of the same sex. I assume these couples have not to be used the shuttles method. But they have tried a baby with different sex till they get one.
4. Need a lot of dedication
When you decide to follow the Shuttles method, you need to be very patient. Also, avoid intercourse outside the given dates. So this is a bit hard task.
How do you have the Shuttles book?
You can buy the revised version of Shuttle’s book “How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby: A Complete Update on the Method Best Supported by the Scientific Evidence.” The price of this book is less than 20$.