Clomid (Clomiphene citrate) is one of the popular medications used in infertility treatments. It is commonly used to induce ladies who fail to release their eggs naturally. In such situations, “Clomid ovulation induction” has shown a very high success rate in most infertile couples.
How does Clomid work?
Clomid is an “anti-oestrogen” medication. The mean of anti-oestrogen is the ability to work against the estrogen hormone. Clomid will bind your brain receptors which work for the action of estrogen.
The action of the anti-oestrogen medication will stimulate the brain by facilitating the positive feedback to release the hormone called GnRH (Gonadotropin releasing hormone).
The release of GnRH is due to the sense of deficient estrogen levels in the bloodstream (Even though it is available adequately). This lack of estrogen in the bloodstream facilitates the GnRH to release two hormones, FSH and LH.

FSH is the most crucial hormone in the process of maturation of the female ovum (egg). Therefore it is called a Follicular stimulating hormone. It is the one which facilitates the development of immature follicle which contains the egg.
How does Clomiphene facilitate ovulation in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?
In some conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, ladies face many difficulties conceiving independently. Sometimes they do not even experience regular menstruation.
However, using Clomid will facilitate the anti-estrogen action in the bloodstream. As a result, the cascade of the release of GnRH and FSH results in the maturation of the ovum. This process is named Clomid induction (Clomiphene induction)
How long does it take to ovulate in Clomid induction?
There is a number of “Clomid Ovulation Calculators” which will give you a rough idea of the ovulation date in the Clomid induction.
However, It has individual variations of the ovulation date following the treatments with Clomiphene. Because the ovulation date will depend on many factors, including the FSH hormone levels, Response to FSH hormone by the Follicle ad etc.
Usually, ovulation occurs 7 – 10 days following the Clomid induction.
When do we need to have intercourse after Clomid treatment?
Use of Ovulation Calculator
As mentioned, the date of ovulation is variable, and you might not get precisely the correct date by using Clomid ovulation predictors. However, you can try them and get an idea of the ovulation date.
The expected ovulation date is 14 days before the 1st date of menstruation. Usually, it is the 14th day for a lady with a 28-day menstrual cycle.
However, if you have a longer or shorter menstrual cycle, you will have a different date for your ovulation. If you have a 32-day cycle, you will have ovulation on the 18th day of your cycle. Also, if you have a 24-day cycle, you will have the ovulation date on the 10th date of your cycle.
Additionally, a woman with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome very often experiences oligomenorrhea. That is the feeling of infrequent menstruation. You can’t predict the length of the menstrual cycle in such women. As a result, they will fail to use ovulation predictor tools.
Use of Ovulation predictor kit
There are many ovulation predictor kits available in your local supermarket near you. Also, it is available in your local pharmacy as an over-the-counter item.
The function of this Ovulation predictor is to identify the best date for sexual intercourse for getting pregnant. These strips or kits can detect the LH levels in your urine. When the LH surge occurs in your body, there is a very high level of LH hormone in the blood. This kit will give a positive result for this high concentration of LH hormone. Ovulation occurs 12 hours after the LH surge. Therefore positive ovulation kit means you are capable of pregnancy.
Use of Ultrasound Scan to detect ovulation
Usually, Clomid induction is a process done under the care of your General practitioner or Gynecologist. So your doctor will arrange an abdominal ultrasound scan to assess the development of the ovarian follicle, response to Clomifene treatments and other essential facts.
Then your local Gynecologists’ or the general practitioner will arrange USS to detect the ovulation.

You can detect the date of ovulation from one method like an ovulation calculator, ovulation kit, or the use scan method.
After detecting the ovulation date, you need to adjust your sexual intercourse to match the release of your egg to get pregnant soon.
Usually, it is 12 hours after LH surge or the time of ovulation.
So when do you need to engage in intercourse to get pregnant fast?
Even one successful intercourse is enough if you time it properly after the Clomid induction. The best time to get pregnant is to have intercourse just before ovulation.
However, it is recommended that you have sexual intercourse during the fertile period once a day to have the best results. As the egg lives for 24 hours, even sex before 2 days may make you pregnant if you are lucky enough.
How to monitor the women after Clomid
Clomid will be prescribed by your local fertility consultant after assessing the causes of infertility in you. It is better if the doctor near you would try some of the other basic infertility treatment options before going with Clomiphene Citrate.
Therefore Clomid should not try as the first step of fertility treatment unless the couple is too old. Also, it is not an over-the-counter medication to try from the nearby pharmacy.
There are several assessments of the females before ovulation induction. This includes Hysterosalpingography (HSG), Mid-cycle Progesterone levels, Ultrasound scans, etc.
Your doctor will perform a series of hormonal assessments and/or ultrasound scans to assess the response to the ovulation induction agent. In cases of inadequate response to the Clomiphene, you need to have a higher hose of Clomiphene.
How much does it cost to undergo Clomid induction?
Clomid is not an expensive medication. It is listed under the Pharmaceutical benefits scheme. However, it is better to contact the nearby pharmacy to get the detail about the Clomid pricing.
Additionally, there will be a series of consultations, blood investigations and ultrasound assessments to undergo Clomid ovulation induction. These charges also will vary according to your country.
The success rate after induction
The success rate of Clomid induction depends on various factors. The leading cause is the reason for infertility. If the cause of infertility is a lack of ovulation, the success rate is around 60 -70 percent.
However, couples with increased maternal age and an unknown cause of infertility may have less percentage of pregnancy following the Clomid induction.
Therefore in a situation like polycystic ovarian syndrome, You will have a very high success rate. However, in other instances, you may have to try Clomid induction with Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
Can I get twins or Triples following Clomid?
Yes, there is some chance of you getting a twin or triplets following Clomid induction. This high chance of multiples is due to the maturation of multiple eggs in the same cycle due to a high dose of Clomiphene citrate.
However, the statistics show that Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) has caused only 5-12% of twins and less than 1% of triplets.
Common side effects of the Ovulation induction
Clomid is a very effective medication for overcoming issues with infertility. As infertility consultants, we may often use this for ovulation induction. However, it is a medication with some important but rare side effects.
- Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.
- Hot flushes
- Mood changes
- Abdominal discomfort
- Nausea
- Visual disturbances
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome is a well-known, rare but should not miss complication. Your doctor will take the necessary action to avoid it.
It’s Time to book your appointment with our fertility expert.
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